Monday, December 30, 2013


Pet people get it. Pets are forever family. You adopt them and if you're lucky they give you all that they have to give. Dogs are super efficient at giving it all. Cats - it's just a roll of the dice. Most of the time you are there to serve their every need (immediately - if you have not been smart enough to actually anticipate what their current need might be) and for this service you are granted the opportunity to pet them on occasion.

Usual pose
Hey look - clean laundry!
The last picture of our Gryffy

We have been very, very lucky with our pets. Our cats especially. Yes, they have all been little divas but they have also allowed us to love them and cuddle with them whenever we desire. They have always been very vocal - after all, we still should anticipate their needs without them having to ask - but they have always been patient with us mere humans because we have the opposable thumbs and they don't.

Gryffindor was a special cat from the very beginning. He was a beautiful gray cat with mysterious goldish/greenish eyes. When we first got him he was so skinny but he had these huge ears and a really long tail. We thought he would never grow into those ears but he finally did...and then he just kept growing. He was a very hefty 20 pound cat. The vet wanted him to lose weight and I wanted to look like Angie Harmon. Neither thing happened. In fact, I probably had a better chance of looking like Angie Harmon than he did of losing weight. We tried getting a leash and collar to start taking him on walks. We are all happy to still have our opposable thumbs and other digits after that miserable experiment! We measured food, took it away if he didn't eat right away - we tried several things. He was just a fat cat. That's why when he lost 5 of his 20 pounds recently it was some cause for concern. He didn't act sick nor did he look sick.

Chillin' with Paul

Gryffy loved all of us but Paul was his person. He would greet Paul when he got home from work like most dogs greet their people. He would jump on the coffee table and follow Paul and meow at him until Paul would pet him. He would stand on his hind legs so he could get even closer to Paul. This was especially weird because Paul messed with him so much. He would pull his tail, pet him the wrong way (where his hair would stand straight up), and other bothersome things, but still, he would keep going back for more.

Yesterday Gryffy was very obviously sick. He was lethargic - which for a Latham house cat is saying a great deal. He would barely hold his head up to look at us when we went to check on him. He wouldn't even look up for Paul. We thought that we could take him to the vet first thing this morning but during the night he got worse. We had him under the blanket in between the two of us. He actually layed in Paul's arms with his head right under Paul's chin. His breathing was labored and he was obviously in distress so we took him to the emergency vet. Paul bundled him in a blanket and I held him on the way. He kept turning to try and look at Paul. I think he thought Paul could fix whatever problem he was having.  Upon seeing him the vet immediately told us that he was trying to die. His kidneys and liver were shutting down. She ran blood work to see if there was something they might be able to do. There wasn't.

When the time came Paul stood right in front of Gryffy so Paul's face was the last face he saw in this life. Paul felt it when his heart stopped beating.

Now we are faced with life after Gryffy. I walk past his food bowl and can't even bear to pick it up.

He leaves behind Clue - our other cat who has been through this once before with our cat Tabasco. Clue was a lot younger then. At this very moment he is roaming the house and meowing. Animals grieve. I know they do. This is going to sound so "out there" but I'm going to say it anyway. When we got home early this morning there was a big orange cat in our yard. We feed feral cats in our neighborhood but this was not one that I had ever seen before. This afternoon I saw 2 more that I have never seen and then 2 of our regulars. I know this isn't the case but it's like the neighborhood cats have come by to pay their respects to one of their own. Crazy - I know.

We will miss Gryffy so much in our lives. Even though he would climb on the table and try to drink our drinks and eat our food. Even though he and Clue would get in fights at 3:00 in the morning. Even though when he sat on you he had to knead you so much you would almost end up bruised. Even though he would sit on your freshly washed and folded clothes (especially if they were black.) Even after all of this and more - he will be missed.

He was family.

Gryffindor - January 2005-December 2013


  1. Patty, what a beautiful tribute. I know this is so difficult. You were there with him and you did make it ok for him. My thougbts and prayers are with you and Paul and your furkids. Cindy

  2. Nicely said. I was hoping you'd write about him. Thanks for sharing. Hugs to all of you, and especially Paul.
