Saturday, December 7, 2013

Black Friday

So I think last week I had promised a black Friday post but then my dear friend Tracy decided to have a baby. She went into labor Thursday night so Amelia and I went to their house to stay with DJ and Lily. I had planned on getting up super early and hitting all the malls and especially all the Walmart's and just shop all day - because I so love to shop especially at Walmart. Had to cancel those plans - I'm sure I missed some really good deals and hanging out with really nice, friendly, and patient customers and employees. Christmas really should be moved to a less hectic time.

So, onto my second favorite black Friday memory. I believe everyone at some point in their lives should experience black Friday - you know like everyone should experience brain freeze, root canals, or rectal exams. I realize that at times I am prone to some tiny amount of exaggeration but this probably, mostly is how things happened. 

Phone conversation a few days before black Friday:
Mom: I think we should take Katy to the Galleria this Friday to watch the Santa light the big tree.
(At that time they had a Santa that skated on the ice rink and then lit up this ginormous tree they had in the middle of the ice rink.) This may still happen I haven't been near the place since. My GPS is set to send out a loud warning if I get near it so I can employ evasive maneuvers. 
Me: What?
Mom: We should go to the Galleria and...
Me: No, I heard you I just don't understand you.
Mom: It will be fun.
Me: For who?
Mom: Katy
Me: She's 2, she doesn't even know they do this. It's not like she will miss it. I don't think 20 years from now she's going to need therapy because she didn't see some fat guy in a red suit skate around a big tree in the midst of a horde of people.
Mom: He won't be fat. He will be wearing a fat suit.
Me: This is crazy.
Mom: It will be fun. We will go early and get a good spot for watching. 
Me: OK. I will do it but I just want to go on record saying this is just crazy.
Mom: OK, I will be at your house at around 8:00 Friday morning.
Me: Ugh.

Black Friday at the Dallas Galleria (yeah, go big or stay home!):
Realize that we can't really shop there. I think at that time they might have had a card store. We could have shopped and actually bought something there. Everywhere else - uh uh. Way out of our league. Here was the plan: get to El Fenix early for lunch (El Fenix overlooked the ice) so we would have a good seat to see the show. We got there early. Got a table right there on the ice. Perfect view. We eat our lunch. Then, and I kid you not this happened.

Mom: Are you ready to go?
Me: What?
Mom: Are you ready...
Me: No, I heard you, I just don't understand you.
Mom: We need to leave so someone else can have the table. It's not fair to the waiter for us to just sit here.
Me: It's not our fault that he pulled the short straw and had to work today. Triple tip him. I'm not giving up these seats. I thought the whole point was to get here so we can watch the fat man.
Mom: He's not fat, he's wearing a suit.
Me: Oh dear Lord.
Mom: So, are you ready. We can get a spot around  the rink.
Me: No we can't. Have you actually seen the crowds? We are in a perfect spot. No one in this entire, ginormous, ridiculous place has a better view than we do right this minute. I'm not leaving.
Mom: It isn't right to keep this table occupied while so many people are waiting to get in and eat.
Me: No one standing out there actually thinks they are getting in here right now. They should have gotten here early like we did. Poor planning on their part.
Mom: We really should go.
Me: OK. I will do it but I just want to go on record saying this is just crazy.

We get up to leave and everyone stares, points, and starts talking quietly. The waiter is shocked. The first people waiting in line are shocked and ever so pleasantly surprised. I'm just bewildered. Katy has no idea what is going on other than the fact that Nanny has talked up this Santa experience to her and she is waiting to see the fat guy (I KNOW HE'S NOT REALLY FAT OK) light the huge tree. Of course we get out and there is not a single spot around the entire rink. I end up holding Katy up on my shoulders so she can see this event. I can't see a thing nor at this point do I care.

Mom: Well, I guess we really did have a nice view where we were originally.
Me - speechless. We walk 12 miles to where the car is parked. That was my one and only black Friday shopping experience. Thank heaven for!

So, you might ask - if this was my second favorite black Friday experience then what was my FAVORITE black Friday? Well, last week of course. Ellie Clare Burnett was born a little after 6:00 a.m. last Friday. I can't think of a better black Friday experience than holding a newborn baby. When Tracy told me she was pregnant I was shocked. I thought good grief, you have 2 perfectly good kids that I already adore - I don't think I can handle another one. Of course the minute I saw her I was in love with her. The heart just has a way of growing doesn't it?

However, even as a light was brought into their world another one was dimming. Their sweet dog Scruffy passed away this morning. He had a long and very happy life and will be sorely missed by everyone that knew him. I only knew him for 5 years but my heart is broken to lose this little guy. Congratulations and condolences for the Burnett's during this happy and sad time in their lives.

I hope each of you are enjoying this holiday season and have the time to reflect and remember the real reason for the season, Christ our Saviour the greatest gift ever given.


  1. Your a dear sweet friend. Love you.

  2. You're going to make me ugly cry again.

  3. Sooo...I'm guessing Katy has no memory of this skating Santa thing? Or did you take a picture so you'd have proof you did it?

    Love this post!

  4. She has no idea. I don't know if she reads the blog or not either.
