Monday, December 23, 2013

I put the PRO in procrastination

Right after Thanksgiving we decided we would host Christmas at our house this year. This gave me approximately 3 weeks to clean the house which really should have been doable. In theory. However, I haven't started yet. Also, I'm on the computer typing this blog which means I'm still not doing it. At this point in time it is not even physically possible for me to get this house in any type of party condition. There now are not enough hours in the day left to do it. So, what the hell. I think I will blog!

If I work really, really hard I can get a couple of rooms in decent shape. One of the problems with procrastination is that it is always possible that something could get in the way of your plans to wait until the very last minute to do something. For example, you might end up with a hurt subscapular, trapezoidal, (and other long words that I'm basically making up because I can't remember what the doctor actually said) problem with your back. I do remember that he told me NOT to exercise. Damn. I'm not supposed to be bending and lifting. Hmm. All this means that I should not have waited until now - well now doesn't really mean now because now I'm doing this instead of that. You get me?

The moral of this story is not to put things off. Next time we decide to do something stupid like have people come to our house I will make up a schedule charting everything I should do each day to prepare for the party. I will begin this schedule at least 2 weeks out from the event.

Actually what will happen is that I will spend 2 weeks trying to make a cute template on the computer that allows me to chart my progress on the house. By the time I have the chart just like I want it I will have 3.5 hours to clean the house.

Oh well, at least I will already have the template for the next party!

1 comment:

  1. Honest, but hard to relate. Somewhere I have Martha Stewart in me. I love to entertain and once I know what people are coming over I start making lists. First the menu and beverages, next - what do I need to buy. Rack of lamb? Malbec? Then it just rolls forward from there . . .

    To help pull it off, my husband is in charge of cleaning (I cook, he cleans) and making sure the bar area is setup with ice, house cocktails, glassware, beer, wine, napkins, etc. He is also in charge of the play list for the event - he is better at music than me.

    The basic formula is to bring a fun mix of people together, liquor them up and add in tasty treats. If you can add in music and a view - all the better. They will enjoy themselves and say nice things about you to others. Not that hard really.
