Sunday, November 17, 2013

Mawage. Mawage is wot bwings us togeder tooday.

Last weekend my family traveled to Missouri for a wedding. It wasn't just any wedding though. In this wedding my husband Paul performed the service. Paul is not an ordained minister (well, he got one of those online things) but you actually don't have to be an ordained minister in order to perform a wedding service. The marriage was for Paul's first cousin once removed Derek and his beautiful fiance Allison.

Obviously and rightly so the main focus was on the bride as she really was breathtakingly beautiful. But my focus kept straying to my guy Paul. He made it kind of an interactive service by asking anyone that had been married more than 25 years to stand. Many people stood. He then had Derek and Allison look at all of us that were standing so they could see their support system. Support is a critical part of any marriage and it was an especially postive moment to see so many people standing.

He also mentioned that anytime he attends a wedding it reminds him of his own. Which of course got me thinking. My short term memory is bad but my long term memory (at least as far as I know) is pretty good. I remember our wedding day very well. Wait. Let me back up a little bit. Paul and I were engaged 3 months after our first date. Our actual first date is a point of contention with us but approximately 3 months after that date we were engaged. We aren't really romantic people. I think (I know this is horrible that I don't remember for sure) but I think he pulled over into the Valley View Mall parking lot and asked me to marry him. He didn't have a ring, I got to pick my own. Although nobody came out and said it, many people thought we might be moving too fast. But we knew, we really just knew and that's that. We've been married 25 years now so I think by now the doubters have overcome their uncertainties.

My dad. My dear, sweet dad. He had a smile that would light up his whole face. He was absolutely beaming that night. I don't know if it was a smile of unconditional love and unadulterated pride or if it was sheer relief that I had found someone that could live with me. Either way it was magnificent.

When I started down the aisle and saw Paul standing there beaming I knew just how lucky I was. Anyone that knows Paul knows how lucky I was/am! I knew that before me stood a man that would always honor his vows. I'm not a feminist so if you are you might want to stop reading now; I'm also no June Cleaver either. But as we stood there in front of family and friends and exchanged vows I knew that I was safe. I knew that to the very best of his abilities he would protect and provide for me. I knew that he would respect me and consider me as his equal partner. And he has. Marriage is difficult. It is inconceivable to imagine marriage to someone who does not respect and cherish you. Fortunately for me I don't have to imagine it.

Back to that other wedding. As I watched Paul perform this ceremony I was so incredibly proud of him. There are countless times that I am proud of him but I don't tell him often enough. Time for a little bit of mushiness. I don't tell him I love him enough either. I was reminded of both of these things while I enjoyed the ceremony.

And wuv, tru wuv, will follow you tweasure your wuv.

1 comment:

  1. I don't remember ever having a doubt about you and Paul. Like you said...there were no doubts for anyone after seeing him watch you walk down the aisle!
