Thursday, November 28, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving!

I would like to extend a very happy Thanksgiving to each of you! I hope today finds you well and gives you many reasons to be thankful. Today is also (at least for me anyway) a day of remembrance. Remembrance of Thanksgivings gone by and family members that I've shared many a meal with but are no longer with us. Today, I remember my dad. I do that every day but holidays are harder and the pain and loss more pronounced. I am thankful to still have my mom although her health is beginning to falter.

I'm thankful for each of you following and supporting our blog. Three somewhat social media challenged women trying to make a go of it! I think we've done alright so far! Tomorrow I hope to have my Black Friday post up. I've written it in my head. The memory of that day still gives me nightmares!

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