Monday, August 8, 2016

Sure he's smart but...

He really is smart even though he has perfected the "stunned" look.

My husband Paul is a very intelligent man, until it comes to me. Well, he was obviously brilliant when he married me but he has a vulnerable side where I'm concerned. At least 4 times a year I do something insanely stupid where our finances are concerned. Here's a typical phone conversation:

P: "Have you seen any mail from Bank of America?"
Me: "No, we don't have an account there so if I did see something I would probably shred it."
P:"We had our mortgage with them."
Me: "Oh, we paid that off though."
P: "Yes, but after paying it off they send us the title for the house so we need it."
Me: "Oh."
P: "Can you look for it?"
Me: "Now?"
P: "Now would be good."
Me: "I'm watching Ellen right now."
P: "Don't you think finding this document might be more important than watching Ellen?"
Me: "Is that a trick question?"
P: "No, let me know if you find it."
He has a beautiful smile and look at that twinkle in his eye!

2 hours later

P: "Did you find it?"
Me: "No."
P: "Why didn't you call and tell me?"
Me: "You said to let you know if I found it, I didn't so I didn't call."
P: "Ah, OK. Did you find any bills while you were looking at all the piles of mail?"
Me: "Uh...I was looking for the other thing, there might have been bills."
P: "Do you think you should look for them?
Me: "OK. I guess this isn't a trick question either."

1 hour later

P: "Did you find any bills that need to be paid?"
Me: "Yes."
P: "Did you pay them?"
Me: " ya, bye!"

And sometimes he makes mountains out of minuscule molehills.

When you love someone you want them to look their best so naturally if I see something that can easily be fixed I fix it. One day when we were sitting in the car I noticed a gnarly hair sticking out of his ear. I lovingly and gently plucked it from his ear and he cried like a little girl. Well, when I think about it we might have already been driving on the highway at about 75 miles per hour and extracting a hair from his ear might have been a tad surprising.
Looking dapper here - keeping his ear hairs under control helps.

Then there's the allegation that I tried to run over him with the car. Obviously this is an unsubstantiated claim, it's a matter of he said, she said and there were no corroborating witnesses. Granted, I'm not sure exactly how the car ended up in reverse but I tapped him ever so gently and he smiled at me so obviously he was fine. To hear him tell it you would think I hit him with a German Panzer, his mom ran over his dad's foot and he didn't complain. Well, he might have complained a bit. I guess they're both a little soft.
Engagement picture - so young!

A little older
I'm broken. At age 39 I was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis, Fibromyalgia, and Sjogrens Syndrome. I've suffered with depression for a long time but the RA intensified it. At the time of the diagnosis Paul and I had been married for 13 years. On August 27, 1988 Paul promised to love me in sickness and in health and he's fulfilled that vow even though there's been more sickness than health. He is a man of faith, 'What would Jesus Do' is not a catchphrase to him, it's how he lives his life EVERY SINGLE DAY.
Paul filling in at the pulpit for Community Christian Church

There is a "Love Your Spouse" challenge going around on Facebook where you are supposed to post a picture of you and your spouse for 7 days to show your love. There isn't a single picture (or 7) I could post that could embody the faith and love he exhibits. I'm a lucky woman, I married an amazing man. I wish I could come up with a picture to display it.

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