Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Opening Remarks

Welcome to our little corner of the web. It's 2013, and we know, we know, blogging is nothing new. Shoot, we've been doing it in our heads for years. Independently, we've gone so far as to set up our own blogs...and then never actually posted anything. So the idea here is that together we might actually get this thing done.

Who are we? At one time, we were three teenagers from different cities and different high schools whose paths only crossed because we each decided to go out and get a job. And, because we were high schoolers, we felt like most jobs would be boring and we ended up working in an amusement park. The wisdom of the personnel department threw us together and dressed us alike, and as they say, the rest is history.

That really changed our lives, although back then we couldn't possibly have known how much. Now, of course, we're a little older (ahem) and a lot wiser. However it happened, here we are, still together. We share countless memories of all the good and not-so-good times that are inevitable consequences of 30-odd years of friendship: boyfriends, sunburns, late-night inventories, parties, graduations, weddings, new babies, funerals, vacations, all kinds of firsts. Our first posts will introduce us as we are today, and then I expect the unexpected after that!

This is us, Patty, Sharon and Beth (after we stopped dressing alike)
because we just knew 25+ years ago that we would need a picture like this.

Now, a little about the blog:
Real friends.
You've got real friends -- their voices are familiar and their faces tell you just what they're thinking. They'll gladly be your grammar and fashion police. You've known them since way before friend somehow became a verb. They may "like" your posts, but they actually like you. Our posts here are contributed only by real friends.

Real food.
Everyone has to eat, and we've got way too many choices regarding unhealthy, over-advertised options.  Apples and broccoli don't have much chance without marketing managers. And "cheap" isn't at all what food should be! We're all working on what we can do to make our own tables healthier.

Real life.
Life happens to us all -- good, bad, funny, infuriating, delightful, unfair, whatever. So no subject is off limits (reader beware!). We're each unique personalities, in different places in life and with widely varied stories to tell and observations to make. (If we were all just alike, well, that would be boring, and a couple of us would be unnecessary!)

Ready? Let's go!



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