Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Always Being Made New

You have probably all seen church signs with clever sayings on them. Some are serious, some are meant to be serious but fail, and some are unintentionally flat out funny . One day my daughter and I passed a church that has a pumpkin patch every year. Also, every week they put the name of the sermon on the sign. I believe this one fell in the unintentionally funny category:

The pumpkins are here!
Weaving God's Vision

"Always Being Made New" is the 25th anniversary theme of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. I am not Lutheran but I really find hope and strength in this message. I struggle with my many imperfections. I cuss too much. I don't pray enough. Sometimes I cuss while I'm praying. I'm too quick to judge people and too slow to apologize when I'm wrong.  I need to focus on the positives and quit highlighting the negatives - like I need to start that right now.   The list could go on and on and in my head it does. Constantly. However, there is hope if I have the opportunity to be made new or make myself anew.

The question then becomes - if I had the chance to make myself anew - what would that look like? What would I want to change? If I had a completely blank slate - what would I write on it? There are obvious superficial answers. I want to be beautiful, wealthy, successful, and adored by many. What if I already am? I would never, ever describe myself as beautiful but possibly God sees me that way. Wealthy? Nope, not even close. But, what if it's not monetary wealth? Wealth of life experiences? Wealth of opportunities? The wealth that comes with having a tremendous support system of family and friends? I know that I am truly, richly blessed there. Successful? How do you measure it? Adored by many? OK. We're just getting silly now.

So, here are a few things I would write on that blank slate:

1. Laugh more
2. Exercise
3. Eat healthier
4. Focus more on others (maybe I should move that closer to the top)
5. Applaud my accomplishments
6. Learn from my mistakes
7. Trust that God will help me in my quest to be a better person and maybe I can say "I am made new." 


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