Saturday, October 5, 2013

Hello! Welcome and a few words of warning!

My name is Patty and I'm Trouble. I'm the unfiltered, unpredictable part of this trio (and the youngest!)  I'm often irrational, impulsive, and offensive. My mouth works way faster than my mind. I say things that I'm actually thinking - I say them OUT LOUD.  This gets me into trouble. But really, how are people supposed to know they are full of crap if you don't tell them? Isn't it more of a public service than it is a criticism?

I have many ideas for things that I would like to blog about. Some of these ideas dear reader - you are not quite ready to experience. I will try to gently pull you in and then WHAM! in your face with something completely random and probably inappropriate.

I am planning on contributing a few recipes to the blog. Damn. Sorry, I said I would try to pull you in gently. That had to be a shock for people that know me well. So sorry. I will blog about books, movies, TV shows, life, food, and the really weird stage of life I am currently experiencing.

I make no promises. I will try and be on my best behavior but you might find that too boring. Even if I try, it never lasts long. I hope you will find a few words of wisdom, and a few laughs among my wandering, scattered thoughts - more likely you will lose IQ points just reading them.

If you want to complain about grammatical errors, punctuation, any of that BS, do that on Beth or Sharon's page because I don't really care. Be happy that my mind can assign any kind of punctuation at all to my written thoughts. If it came out on the page like it comes out of my head it would just be word vomit.

Consider yourself duly warned!

This is me in a section of the home I'm not real familiar with or comfortable in. It's actually not my real kitchen. My real kitchen is much uglier than this one.

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