Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Rights, beliefs, and a mattress

Let me get a few things out in the open, I think most people know that I'm a conservative, here are a few things I would like to say about that. As a conservative:

I believe that President Obama is a US citizen, I don't believe he's Muslim, I don't dislike him because he's black. I have the utmost respect for the office of the Presidency but I don't have a great deal of respect for him mainly because I don't like his policies. I have the right to not like him.

My prayers are with the Scalia family due to the death of Justice Scalia. I don't like the timing of his death but I suppose there's nothing I can do about it. I realize that as the POTUS, President Obama has the right to replace Justice Scalia. I don't like it but I'm powerless to do anything about it. I do pray for the health of the remainder of the SCOTUS. I don't believe the President put a hit out on Justice Scalia, that's ridiculous.

Donald Trump scares me more than clowns and that is a great deal of scared right there. Maybe because I think he's a clown but he really frightens me. I can't believe that we have reached the point where a reality star is the front runner for nomination. I'm not thrilled with any of the choices but at this point I would choose Senator Rubio. I hate politics. It sickens me to hear these politicians slinging mud at each other. Why can't they talk about their beliefs and their plans for the country? Shouldn't that be enough?

Secretary Clinton, I don't like her at all and it's not because she's a woman. She frightens me too and I have the right to dislike and distrust her.

Senator Sanders, nothing is free. Quit promising that everything will be free if you're President. It doesn't work that way, that's not how any of this works. Take a basic economics course. 

I don't believe in climate change, global warming whatever you want to call it. Gore is an opportunist. Bill Nye the science ???? guy loves jetting around the world talking about it. Carbon footprint? Leonardo DiCrapio jets his way across the globe to talk about the environment. I don't appreciate the "Do as I say not as I do" approach. 

I'm grateful that I live in Texas and not in Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina...the election season would drive me to drink and get on my very last nerve (I'm close to the edge now.) There really isn't a medication strong enough to bring me back from the brink. If it did exist the price would be exorbitant. For medical reasons I can't drink but I would not heed my doctors warnings if I lived in those states. Anyway, I'm glad I live in Texas because as everyone knows and should agree on it's the best place in the world.

I don't like Kanye. That should be another thing we can all agree on. It's not often we can find common ground but this should be one of those times.

I have another item to talk about. Sunday I completed an LTC class. There is another class involved in getting my license and I plan on completing it. the responsibility of owning a gun is immense. You have to realize when carrying a gun that a person could die, even yourself. I WILL NOT carry a gun unless I become proficient and confident in my abilities. I may get a gun for target practice or maybe for concealed carry. I don't know yet but it is my right to decide. If I choose to carry I promise never to carry into anyone's home without their knowledge and consent. 

I ordered a king size mattress on Amazon. Yes, someone is going to deliver a KING size mattress to my doorstep. It's going to be tough getting it in the house and getting the old one out to the curb but we live in a country where you can buy a mattress online. God Bless America!

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