Friday, February 14, 2014

You Don't Have to Be Crazy - no actually you do...

I love watching the winter Olympics. Figure skating is my favorite event but there are several events that I like to watch. The problem with figure skating is the politics of it. The people that are favored coming in more often than not are the ones that win - unless they just totally face plant or they obviously stink it up. Even then sometimes it seems to go their way. Apparently it's a sport that you have to pay your dues before you can medal. Gone are the tame Dick Button days. Now the men do quadruple jumps and probably it won't be long before the first woman performs a quad.

Pairs skating is fun to watch but also terrifying. I don't know how you can trust someone enough to allow them to throw you through the air so you can turn 3 (sometimes 4) times in the air and then land without breaking your butt. Also the lifts - good grief. That girl has a long way to fall if she is dropped. Of course if she falls and is dropped on her head she can always compete in skeleton (more on that later.) I trust Paul implicitly but I would never allow him to throw me through the air (not that he could.) I'm trying to picture the coach and choreographer trying to convince someone to do some of the things that they do. It's unreal.
Don't worry I'll probably catch you.

That's going to leave a mark.

Then there is skiing. I really, really, really dislike skiing. So when I see these crazy people careening down the slopes at 80 mph I wonder what part of their head hit the floor first when they were dropped on their head as a child. I guess it must be a major adrenaline rush. I prefer to get my adrenaline pumping by racing to the donuts at QT. To each his own I guess.
You can lose your head skiing.


At least the outfits are pretty...ugly.
Perhaps the craziest event of all is skeleton. Seriously, bat shit crazy. I know - I've got a great idea! How about if you lay down on a sled head first and fly down a twisting, curving course at 80 mph? What could possibly go wrong?

This perhaps?

But you get to wear awesome helmets.

Sorry, wrong skeleton.

I guess that is maybe why we love the Olympics so much. People do crazy stuff and we can watch it from the safety of our couch. People do amazing things and we can marvel at them from the safety of our couch. People do beautiful, elegant things and we can enjoy them from the safety of our couch. I really love my couch. It's safe. It might not be amazing, beautiful, or elegant but it's safe. If only I could medal in channel surfing...


  1. I believe in Skeleton (and why is it called that) what they actually do is "hurtle" down that icy track. Do you think their necks are stiff afterward? I cannot hold that position for more than 6 seconds.

    Art wonders about the two-man luge. Who thought that one up? The top guy, or the bottom one? Yikes! I could barely watch that.

    Give me more curling! Not dangerous but highly entertaining.

    1. Hurtle makes more sense. Remember the last Olympics a guy died doing the luge.
